E se word Meaning :- आज हम इस post के माध्यम से E se 100 word Meaning in Hindi के बारे में बता रही हूँ। जिसके वजह से आप English भाषा में अच्छी command बना सकते है, अपने school के homworks complete कर सकते है आदि।
E अंग्रेजी भाषा का पाँचवा Alphabet है, जिससे कई अंग्रेजी शब्द लिखे जाते है। तो चलिए फिर बिना देर किये इस लेख को शुरू करते है और जानते है, E Meaning in Hindi.
E se 20 Meaning In Hindi
Serial Number | English Word | Meaning (English) | Meaning (Hindi) |
1 | Evening | The period of time between late afternoon and night. | संध्या |
2 | Eclipse | The obscuring of a celestial body. | ग्रहण |
3 | Efficient | Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort. | कुशल |
4 | Elegant | Pleasingly graceful and stylish. | सुशोभित |
5 | Emerge | To come into view or become visible. | प्रकट होना |
6 | Empathy | The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. | सहानुभूति |
7 | Energise | To give energy or vitality to. | ऊर्जा देना |
8 | Enthusiastic | Showing intense and eager enjoyment. | उत्साही |
9 | Era | A period of time in history. | युग |
10 | Essential | Absolutely necessary or extremely important. | आवश्यक |
11 | Earn | To receive payment for work done. | कमाना |
12 | End | The final part or conclusion. | अंत |
13 | Exit | A way out of a place. | निकास |
14 | Enter | To come or go into a place. | प्रवेश करना |
15 | Egg | An oval object produced by birds, reptiles, and some other animals. | अंडा |
16 | Ego | One’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance. | अहंकार |
17 | Easy | Not difficult; simple. | आसान |
18 | Even | Equal or flat, or used to show something is true. | समान |
19 | Edge | The boundary or limit of something | किनारा |
20 | Eat | To consume food. | खाना |
E se word meaning list
Serial Number | English Word | Meaning (English) | Meaning (Hindi) |
21 | Error | A mistake or incorrect action. | गलती |
22 | Empty | Containing nothing; having no contents. | खाली |
23 | Easy | Simple; not difficult. | आसान |
24 | Ear | The organ used for hearing. | कान |
25 | Edit | To make changes to text or content. | संपादित करना |
26 | Evening | The period of time at the end of the day. | संध्या |
27 | Elevator | A machine for lifting people and things between floors. | लिफ्ट |
28 | Elder | Older; a person of higher age. | वरिष्ठ |
29 | Energy | The ability to do work or activity. | ऊर्जा |
30 | Eagle | A large bird of prey with a powerful beak. | चील |
31 | Exercise | Physical activity to improve health. | व्यायाम |
32 | Expert | A person with a high level of skill or knowledge | विशेषज्ञ |
33 | Elegant | Graceful and stylish. | सुंदर |
34 | Emptiness | The state of being empty. | शून्यता |
35 | Explain | To make something clear by describing it. | समझाना |
36 | Excuse | A reason given to justify something | बहाना |
37 | Event | An occurrence or happening. | घटना |
38 | Elevate | To raise something to a higher position. | ऊंचा करना |
39 | Echo | A sound that reflects back. | गूंज |
40 | Elder | Older or more advanced in age. | वरिष्ठ |
E se meaning in Hindi
Serial Number | English Word | Meaning (English) | Meaning (Hindi) |
41 | Effort | Physical or mental energy used to do something. | प्रयास |
42 | Example | A representative form or pattern. | उदाहरण |
43 | Ease | Freedom from difficulty or discomfort. | आराम |
44 | Earnest | Serious and determined. | गंभीर |
45 | Edge | The sharp side of a blade or surface. | धार |
46 | Entertain | To provide amusement or enjoyment. | मनोरंजन करना |
47 | Express | To convey thoughts or feelings. | व्यक्त करना |
48 | Enrich | To improve or enhance. | समृद्ध करना |
49 | Evoke | To bring a feeling or memory to mind. | उत्पन्न करना |
50 | Effortless | Requiring little effort. | सरल और बिना प्रयास का |
51 | Envy | A feeling of discontent or jealousy. | ईर्ष्या |
52 | Enquire | To ask for information. | पूछताछ करना |
53 | Evolve | To develop gradually. | विकासित होना |
54 | Economy | The system of production and distribution of goods. | अर्थव्यवस्था |
55 | Expand | To increase in size or scope. | फैलाना |
56 | Examine | To inspect or check closely. | परीक्षण करना |
57 | Exhaust | To drain someone of energy; to use up. | थकाना; समाप्त करना |
58 | Eclipse | The blocking of light from one celestial body by another. | ग्रहण |
59 | Extra | More than is usual or needed. | अतिरिक्त |
60 | Exceed | To go beyond a limit or expectation. | पार करना |
E se 100 word meaning in Hindi
Serial Number | English Word | Meaning (English) | Meaning (Hindi) |
61 | Eject | To force out or push something out. | बाहर निकालना |
62 | Efficient | Producing results without waste. | कुशल |
63 | Enjoy | To take pleasure in something. | आनंद लेना |
64 | Eager | Wanting to do or have something very much. | उत्सुक |
65 | Elapse | To pass or go by (time). | बीतना |
66 | Enter | To come or go into a place. | प्रवेश करना |
67 | Exact | Perfectly accurate. | सही |
68 | Example | A representative form or pattern. | उदाहरण |
69 | Elevate | To raise or lift something. | ऊंचा करना |
70 | Embrace | To hold someone closely in your arms. | गले लगाना |
71 | Emerge | To come out or become visible. | प्रकट होना |
72 | Enlarge | To make something bigger. | बड़ा करना |
73 | Examine | To inspect carefully. | परीक्षण करना |
74 | Expose | To reveal something that is hidden. | उजागर करना |
75 | Empower | To give someone the authority or power to do something. | सशक्त करना |
76 | Evident | Clearly seen or understood. | स्पष्ट |
77 | Empty | Containing nothing. | खाली |
78 | Elaborate | To explain something in detail. | विस्तार से बताना |
79 | Erosion | The process of eroding or being eroded. | कटाव |
80 | Enhance | To improve or increase. | सुधारना |
E se word meaning 50
Serial Number | English Word | Meaning (English) | Meaning (Hindi) |
81 | Ebullient | Cheerful and full of energy. | उत्साही |
82 | Eccentric | Unconventional or slightly strange. | विचित्र |
83 | Ephemeral | Lasting for a very short time. | क्षणिक |
84 | Eloquence | Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing. | वाक्पटुता |
85 | Euphoric | Intense happiness or excitement. | अत्यधिक खुश |
86 | Enigma | Something that is mysterious or puzzling. | रहस्यमय |
87 | Exquisite | Extremely beautiful or delicate. | सुंदर |
88 | Encompass | To include or surround something. | घेरना |
89 | Effervescent | Bubbling or lively. | झागदार |
90 | Empirical | Based on observation or experience. | प्रायोगिक |
91 | Epitome | A perfect example of a quality or type. | आदर्श उदाहरण |
92 | Epitaph | An inscription on a tombstone. | समाधि लेखन |
93 | Exonerate | To clear someone from blame. | निर्दोष सिद्ध करना |
94 | Eccentricity | The quality of being unconventional. | असामान्यता |
95 | Entourage | A group of people accompanying an important person. | दल |
96 | Exultant | Feeling or showing great joy. | प्रसन्न |
97 | Endeavor | An attempt to achieve a goal. | प्रयास |
98 | Epiphany | A moment of sudden revelation or insight. | अचानक ज्ञान प्राप्ति |
99 | Enervate | To weaken or drain energy. | निर्बल करना |
100 | Extrapolate | To estimate or infer based on known data. | अनुमान लगाना |
E se Meaning
Serial Number | English Word | Meaning (English) | Meaning (Hindi) |
101 | Ebullition | The act of bubbling or boiling up. | उबाल |
102 | Emanate | To flow out or spread from a source. | निकलना |
103 | Exasperate | To irritate or annoy intensely. | उत्तेजित करना |
104 | Epitome | A perfect example of a particular quality. | आदर्श उदाहरण |
105 | Effulgent | Shining brightly; radiant. | चमकदार |
106 | Enervate | To drain of energy; weaken. | निर्बल करना |
107 | Eclectic | Deriving ideas from a diverse range of sources. | विविधतापूर्ण |
108 | Ephemeral | Lasting for a very short time. | क्षणिक |
109 | Esoteric | Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people. | रहस्यमय |
110 | Ebullient | Cheerful and full of energy. | उत्साही |
111 | Emanate | To flow out or originate from. | निकलना |
112 | Ethereal | Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. | अद्भुत |
113 | Elicit | To draw out or bring forth. | उत्पन्न करना |
114 | Eradicate | To completely destroy or remove something. | नष्ट करना |
115 | Exhort | To strongly encourage or urge someone to do something. | प्रेरित करना |
116 | Ebullition | The act of bubbling or boiling up. | उबाल |
117 | Exasperate | To irritate intensely. | उत्तेजित करना |
118 | Expeditious | Done with speed and efficiency. | त्वरित |
119 | Eloquent | Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing. | वाक्पटु |
120 | Exquisite | Extremely beautiful or delicate. | सुंदर |
E se 50 Word Meaning in Hindi
121 | English Word | Meaning (English) | Meaning (Hindi) |
122 | Exuberant | Filled with lively energy. | उत्साही |
123 | Exhortation | An address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something. | प्रेरणा |
124 | Ephemeral | Lasting for a very short time. | क्षणिक |
125 | Equanimity | Mental calmness, especially in difficult situations. | शांत |
126 | Effulgence | Radiance or brilliance. | चमक |
127 | Epitaph | An inscription on a tombstone. | समाधि लेखन |
128 | Esoteric | Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people. | रहस्यमय |
129 | Excursion | A short journey or trip. | यात्रा |
130 | Enigma | A person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand. | रहस्यमय |
131 | Erudite | Having or showing great knowledge or learning. | विद्वान् |
132 | Emulate | To match or surpass (a person or achievement) by imitation. | अनुकरण करना |
133 | Ebullition | The act of boiling over. | उबाल |
134 | Ebullient | Cheerful and full of energy. | उत्साही |
135 | Equivocate | To use ambiguous language to conceal the truth. | घुमा-फिरा कर बात करना |
136 | Expansive | Covering a wide area; extensive. | व्यापक |
137 | Exult | To show or feel elation or jubilation. | खुशी मनाना |
138 | Exacerbate | To make a problem or situation worse. | बिगाड़ना |
139 | Ebullition | The act of bubbling up. | उबाल |
140 | Entail | To involve something as a necessary or inevitable part. | समेटना |
E se word meaning
Serial Number | English Word | Meaning (English) | Meaning (Hindi) |
141 | Eerie | Strange and frightening. | अजीब और डरावना |
142 | Epitome | A perfect example or representation of something. | आदर्श उदाहरण |
143 | Eloquent | Fluent and persuasive in speaking or writing. | वाक्पटु |
144 | Ebullient | Cheerful and full of energy. | उत्साही |
145 | Entice | To attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage. | लुभाना |
146 | Emerge | To come out into view or become apparent. | प्रकट होना |
147 | Ethereal | Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. | अद्भुत |
148 | Exhaust | To drain someone of strength or energy; to use up. | थकाना; समाप्त करना |
149 | Equanimity | Mental calmness, especially in difficult situations. | शांत |
150 | Exquisite | Extremely beautiful or delicate. | सुंदर |
151 | Emanate | To flow out from a source. | निकलना |
152 | Exemplify | To be a typical example of something. | उदाहरण पेश करना |
153 | Erratic | Not even or regular in pattern or movement. | असंगत |
154 | Ebullition | The act of boiling or bubbling up. | उबाल |
155 | Enthral | To captivate or charm. | मोहित करना |
156 | Exuberant | Filled with lively energy and excitement. | उत्साही |
157 | Engrossed | To occupy completely. | पूरी तरह से व्यस्त करना |
158 | Entail | To involve something as a necessary part. | शामिल करना |
159 | Examine | To inspect closely. | परीक्षण करना |
160 | Embroider | To decorate with needlework. | कढ़ाई करना |
निष्कर्ष :-
आज का यह लेख ‘E se meaning’ यही पर समाप्त होता है। आज के इस लेख में हमने 100 E se word Meaning in Hindi की पूरी लिस्ट provide की है।
उम्मीद करते है, हमारे द्वारा दी गयी list से आपको मदद मिली होगी। अंत में यदि यह लेख आपको पसंद आया हो तो इसे ज़रूर share करें।
FAQ’S :-
Q1. What is the full definition of E ?
Ans - E अंग्रेजी का एक alphabet है, जिसका इस्तेमाल अंग्रेजी के शब्द लिखने के लिए की जाती है।
Q2. E से 5 सबसे आसान शब्द लिखे ?
Ans - Egg, Exit, Error, Empty, Enter .
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